Conceptions M.G. inc. a remporté le Prix Excellence 2015 - CCIRS

Pneumatic Tube System (PTS)

Electric track conveyor systems

Antimicrobial solutions



Recognized expertise

Conceptions M.G. inc. designs, manufactures and installs pneumatic tube transport systems. In this area our expertise is internationally recognized and we are called upon to use our services from all over the world. We also distribute and install electric track conveyor systems.

Finally, we design and manufacture custom containment equipment, and portable rooms with HEPA filter for the installation and maintenance of equipment in a controlled environment (zero tolerance to the spread of dust and bacteria).

Thank you for your collaboration since 1989!

Dear clients, collaborators, suppliers, we are pleased to announce that Conceptions M.G. inc. won the 2015 Award of Excellence given by the South Shore of Montreal’s Chamber of Commerce & Industry in the Construction Trades – Contractor Category* (May 14, 2015).

— *Supply and installation of pneumatic tube system (PTS) at the CHUM, CRCHUM, MUHC, RI-MUHC.


Pneumatic transport - clients - Hospitals in Quebec


School boards


The Montreal South Shore company has been granted all contracts for the supply and installation of pneumatic tube system (PTS) in CHUM, CRCHUM, MUHC, and RI-MUHC.


CHUM 2017


Conceptions M.G. offered a donation of $20,000 to the DYP Youth Foundation

31 janvier 2024

Making a donation to the Foundation means contributing directly to the development and wellbeing of young people in the DYP. With kindness …

Conceptions M.G. a offert un don de 20 000 $ à la Fondation des jeunes de la DPJ

31 janvier 2024

Faire un don à la Fondation des jeunes de la DPJ, c’est contribuer directement à l’épanouissement des jeunes les plus vulnérables de notre société. Avec …

Portable filtration unit to fight Covid-19

20 novembre 2020

Conceptions M.G. Inc. provides solutions for schools, daycares, offices and hospitals. Negative pressure of the space by adding filtered outside air is …

Unité de filtration portable pour combattre le Covid-19

20 novembre 2020

Conceptions M.G. Inc. apporte des solutions pour les écoles, les garderies, les bureaux et les hôpitaux. La mise en pression négative de …

/ Clients /

The scale of these projects and the cutting-edge technology of these installations make Montreal a hub in America for pneumatic tube systems.

Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal
Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec
St-François d’Assise
Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke
CISSS de la Côte-Nord
CHR Sept-Îles
Centre de recherche du CHUM
Centre universitaire de santé McGill