
Portable filtration unit to fight Covid-19

Conceptions M.G. Inc. provides solutions for schools, daycares, offices and hospitals. Negative pressure of the space by adding filtered outside air is always preferable in order to keep contaminants out. The air can be taken directly from outside the building or from a common area with good ventilation. Venmar’s A300Hepan unitThe portable high-efficiency filtration unit […]

Portable filtration unit to fight Covid-19 Lire la suite »

Conceptions M.G. Inc. apporte des solutions à la pénurie d’équipement médical en pandémie de Covid-19

Equipment to fight the Covid-19

PRESS RELEASE – April 12, 2020 Conceptions M.G. Inc. provides solutions to the shortage of medical equipment. In connection with the COVID 19 crisis, Conceptions M.G. Inc. is currently receiving requests from hospitals seeking to obtain modular confinement chambers and negative pressure machines. This equipment is unfortunately out of stock at the manufacturers, and this

Equipment to fight the Covid-19 Lire la suite »